RHNA Tells Her Story
CCHO breaks down the Bay Area’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). The graphic serves as an educational tool for the public to better understand how it works:
What is RHNA?
How does the RHNA process work?
What does RHNA have and not have the power to do?
What do RHNA numbers mean?
What are its implications for affordable housing in the Bay Area?
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Income Inequality in the San Francisco Bay Area
The Silicon Valley Institute for Regional Studies’ detailed report on income inequality around the Bay Area, which shows, among other things, how inequality has increased more rapidly here than in the US as a whole and reveals the extreme gap between high- and low-income households in the Bay Area.
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Whose Future? “Smart Growth” in San Francisco
July 2013, ABAG and MTC approved Plan Bay Area, which proposes to put 92,000 new housing units, 190,000 new jobs, and 73,000 more cars into San Francisco over the next 30 years.
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Updated Gentrification & Displacement Maps
Great resources from UC Berkeley’s Urban Displacement Project showing which parts of the Bay Area are experiencing or at risk of gentrification and displacement. These tools provide essential research for creating policies tailored to the needs of specific geographies and communities.
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Race, Inequality, and the Resegregation of the Bay Area
November 2016
Urban Habitat’s latest report on the ways that growing inequality is reshaping the Bay Area, creating new areas of racial and economic segregation.
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