Housing & Land Use Policy
Beyond our day-to-day work in the trenches of affordable housing production, The Council of Community Housing Organizations works on significant new policies that have shaped the affordable housing and land use picture in San Francisco. CCHO has led an aggressive strategy to support affordable housing goals, unify housing organizations as a movement coalition, and pursue public policies and financing mechanisms for affordable housing. For instance, CCHO helped coordinate community-based plans within the Eastern Neighborhoods rezoning process, developed legislation mandating compliance with the Housing Element’s low- and moderate-income housing objectives, crafted San Francisco’s Inclusionary Housing Policy, developed legislation and led the campaign for the Community Opportunity to Purchase Act, the first right to purchase policy in California, and many other housing and land use policy initiatives. CCHO has been an active participant in the San Francisco Progressive Revenue Coalition, a unique broad-based coalition of affordable housing, social services, labor and faith-based groups uniting housing, workforce and public service needs into a unified strategy.
Programs: Housing & Land Use Policy | Regional Policy & Applied Smart Growth | Advocacy, Education & Organizing